Subliminal messages aren't always easy to find, especially in popular logos most of us see every day.
#10 Coca-Cola
The most popular brand being Coca-Cola which lends a tribute to its European locations with its white font where each "O" crosses to represent the flag of Denmark.
#9 Spartan Golf Clubs
This one might take you a second, but there's clearly two pictures in this logo. Can you spot the golfer as well as the helmeted Spartan warrior?
#8 Pittsburgh Zoo
This is a great example of negative space. When you look at this logo you'll probably either notice the tree and birds or the animal faces, but did you notice both?
#7 Goodwill's Smile
You've probably seen this logo a thousand times, but have you ever noticed that the smiling face is actually just a close-up of the 'G' in the Goodwill font?
#6 Amazon
Clever and innovative, Amazon's logo holds two distinct meanings. The first is the arrow that points from A to Z - referring to everything being available on their website - while also signifying a satisfied smile that's accented by a dimple.
#5 Sony Vaio
This Sony logo represents the brand's integration of both digital and analog technology. The "VA" is designed to represent an analog waveform and the "IO" symbolizes binary code.
#4 Bronx Zoo
Most people only see the animals when they look at this logo, but take a closer look and you'll see the Bronx skyline in the negative space!
#3 Baskin Robbins
Though some believe the shade of pink to symbolize ice cream, the color choice actually has a different use. Introduced in 2005, this logo uses the company's initials to cleverly advertise the number of ice cream flavours the chain offers.
#2 LG Electronics
The main purpose of the South Korean multinational electronics company was to create a logo that symbolizes trust and positivity. Luckily, they hit those subjects on the head as not only does their design feature a winking face, but it also references the video game character "Pac-Man".
#1 Tostitos
Tortilla chips aren't just comforting, they're fun! Look closely at the centre of this logo and you'll notice two people enjoying a Tostito chip with a bowl of salsa. This design was built to convey the feeling of connecting with others.
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Top 10 Logo Creative Design